
» Official Habbo Disclaimer
Habbo®, Habbo Hotel®, Sulake and associated logos are trademarks of Sulake Group. All rights reserved. Copyright, trademarks and other rights in the material from Habbo Hotel® and other services of Sulake Group on this website are owned by Sulake Group. All rights reserved.

This website is neither owned nor operated by Sulake Group and it is not part of Habbo Hotel® or any other service or website owned or operated by Sulake Group. Sulake Group are not responsible for any content on this website and the views and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily the views and opinions of Sulake Group.

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General Habbo images which can be found on the Habbo website are not owned by HabbFun and can be copied. These items are located in the goodies section of the website. (Coming Soon)