No it is not but when we have a domain and a properly coded layout we plan to get official!
Yes, you can do apply through email, instructions located on the Job applications page.
Well, HabbFun allows a staff member to be inactive for a period of time as we aren't that successful/busy. When we get an official Domain, then most previous staff on Webnode will be transfered to the new domain. Some will be fired.
coolhamzah, originally thought of the idea and was succesful to create many unregistered domains for HabbFun, but not many were as succesful as Webnode! Seko.chan (Habbo USA) helped create HabbFun as a site tech/Lead producer. Fioe was hired as a fellow owner later on.
Well, we go for (USA) Mainly but for countries all over the world we mainly go for -
United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Austalia, Czech Republic & Singapore.
We are not like one of those scam "Password asking" sites. HabbFun does give away Habbo Coins & Furniture only in competitions or giveaways. We do NOT ask for your Passwords and we reccomend that you do not give yours out to anyone. This relates to the Habbo way! :)