On this page you will be able to see all the Habbo badges you can earn on hotels and fansites!
Staff Badges
- The Fansite owners will have these badges.
- All retired Staff will have this badge.
- The Managers will have this badge.
Department Badges
- Forum/Site Moderators will have this badge.
- Graphic artists will have this badge.
- News reporters will have this.
- Site council members will have this badge.
- Rewarded to the Events Team.
- Rewarded to our Rare Valuists
- Intern Staff will have this badge.
Badges given by staff
- Awarded by Shavna for various reasons
- MOD Warning (lvl 1) *NOT GOOD*
- MOD Warning (lvl 2) *NOT GOOD*
- MOD Warning (lvl 3) *NOT GOOD*
Competition Badges
- Somebody has gave an honorable mention about you, on Habbo or off Habbo!
- You are a bronze member
- You are a Silver member
- You are a Gold member.
Campaign Badges
- Awarded to all users who celebrated Habboween with us.