Welcome to the BobbleFM staff list. Below you can see everyone who works for us, but to make it a bit easier for you, we have split the different departments up so you know who works where - and that is why some people may be repeated! We do try to update this as much as possible, but we're not robots!

The Management
The management team are a group of about 4 to 6 Habbos which co-ordinate the day to day happenings involving BobbleFM and its forum.




Site Owner

Site Owner

General Manager




Production Manager

News Manager

- N/a -

 Radio Presenters
The Radio team are a group of about 20 to 30 Habbos which give there time to broadcast some great tunes to your ears!




DJ Josh

DJ Coley

DJ Sam




DJ Orc

DJ Coolio


News Reporters
The News team are a group of people who work together and helps the management control the news so that our users have all the latest news!




News Reporter

News Reporter

News Reporter




News Reporter

News Reporter

News Reporter

 Forum Staff
The Forum team are a group of people who work together and helps the management control the Forum so that our users are safe from abusive people.




Head Girl

Head Boy

Senior Moderator




Senior Moderator

Senior Moderator

Senior Moderator